Why is COOP Important?
Continuity of Operations planning is a federal initiative to encourage people and departments to plan to address how critical operations will continue under a broad range of circumstances. COOP is important as a good business practice and because the planning fosters recovery and survival in and after emergency situations.
A COOP plan addresses emergencies from an all-hazards approach. A continuity of operations plan establishes policy and guidance ensuring that critical functions continue and that personnel and resources are relocated to an alternate facility in case of emergencies. The plan should develop procedures for:
alerting, notifying, activating and deploying employees
identify critical business functions
establish an alternate facility
roster personnel with authority and knowledge of functions
Our team will help you create a continuity of operations plan for your department or organization
Creating a continuity of operations plan is a guided process and a team effort which will draw on your understanding of department operations with Emergency Management’s expertise in preparing for contingencies.
Let's make sure your department and those affected can be prepared in advance by having a continuity of operations plan in place.
The COOP Planning Team
Senior Management
The department COOP coordinator or point-of-contact
The COOP planning team
Senior Management ensures that the agency is capable of carrying out each respective function related to COOP. They oversee:
Planning for continuity of operations
Activating a COOP plan
Restarting regular operations
Agency leaders may delegate many of their responsibilities, but overall accountability remains within their leadership.
The COOP Coordinator/POC serves as the agency’s manager for all COOP activities. The Coordinator manages all activities to ensure the agency can perform its critical functions during an emergency.
An effective COOP Planning team requires a mix of organization professionals and includes members from all levels of management and staff. It also consists of members from various divisions of the organization, including those not directly related to the mission, such as human resources. Team members should act as COOP coordinators for their respective functions, elements or divisions.
Things to Consider
How will plans be implemented, especially when there is no advanced warning?
What is necessary to sustain and maintain operations for time periods of up to 30 days?
What types of training, testing, and exercises are necessary for personnel, systems, processes, and procedures to ensure the department is ready?
Each Continuity of Operations Plan should include information about:
The department’s mission statement
Critical business functions, prioritized
Recovery locations
A department organization chart
Continuity of authority
Essential staff, including their contact information
External resources
Critical department records
Computer inventory
Necessary office supplies and furniture
Software and IT needs
Necessary communication tools
Resources to help with COOP Planning
FEMA Guide to Continuity of Government For State, Local, Tribal and Territorial Governments https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_sltt-cog-guidance_070921.pdf
FEMA User Guide - Business Process Analysis and Business Impact Analysis
FEMA Brochure – Whole Community Continuity